
Navigating the depths: Choosing the right length for your surveys


This blog post discusses the importance of employee engagement and satisfaction surveys and introduces a new feature in Luppa, offering a choice between shorter and longer versions of the Deep Dive survey. The shorter version, with 65 questions, focuses on time efficiency, improved focus, and enhanced accessibility, while the longer version, with 107 questions, provides comprehensive insights, in-depth analysis, dimensional clarity, and strategic planning capabilities. 

A comparative analysis indicates both versions yield reliable results, and organizations are advised to choose based on their specific needs, considering factors like workforce familiarity and potential response rates.


Employee engagement and satisfaction surveys play a vital role in understanding the workforce's sentiments and identifying areas for improvement within an organization. They provide valuable insights that can empower employees, enhance overall engagement, and drive business growth.

Finding the perfect balance between length and insight in employee satisfaction surveys is key to collecting valuable feedback from your workforce. Long surveys may deter employees from participating, resulting in low response rates and skewed data. On the other hand, shorter versions of surveys may not provide enough depth to capture the nuances of employee experiences. So, how do you strike the right balance?

If you’re already tracking monthly trends with Pulse surveys or exploring specific questions aligned with the company’s needs and goals through Custom surveys, and you are thinking about conducting a Deep Dive survey, but you are unsure if longer or shorter version is more suitable for your company, then you’re at the right place - keep reading.

In this article, we are introducing the newest Luppa feature - a choice between the shorter and longer version of Deep Dive survey that are both concise and insightful. 

We explore the ideal length of a survey, considering factors such as the employee's attention span and time constraints.

Validity and development of shorter Deep Dive survey

The psychologist's deep dive into the survey development process involved thorough methods and analysis to ensure the validity of the survey questions. 

Through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), the psychologist team from Business Psychology Lab identified claims for removal from the longer survey based on factors such as factor saturation and content relevance. This process led to the creation of a shorter version of the survey, comprising 65 questions, while retaining the core dimensions of the original survey.

Benefits of using a shorter Deep Dive survey

Time efficiency

Shorter surveys are less time-consuming for employees to complete, increasing the likelihood of higher response rates and reducing survey fatigue.

Improved focus

By condensing the survey questions, the shorter version may enhance participants' focus on essential aspects of engagement and satisfaction, leading to more accurate responses and higher response rates, as employees are more inclined to provide feedback when it requires less effort.

Enhanced accessibility

A shorter survey is often more accessible across various devices and platforms, making it easier for employees to complete the survey on the go.

Validity and development of longer Deep Dive survey

The psychologist's validation process ensured that the longer survey, comprising 107 questions, maintained both the integrity and in-depth comprehensive data. This involved confirming the factor structure and assessing the reliability of the longer survey version, ultimately guaranteeing the delivery of the best and most profound data for analysis.

Benefits of using a longer Deep Dive survey

Comprehensive insight

The longer survey allows for a more comprehensive exploration of various aspects of employee engagement and satisfaction, providing a nuanced understanding of the workforce's sentiments.

In-depth analysis

With a larger number of questions, the longer survey facilitates a more detailed analysis of specific areas of concern, enabling organizations to dive deeper into potential issues.

Dimensional clarity

The extended survey may offer a clearer picture of the 12 dimensions, allowing for a more granular understanding of each aspect of employee engagement and satisfaction.

Strategic planning

Organizations can use the detailed insights from the longer survey to develop targeted and strategic action plans for improving employee engagement and satisfaction.

Comparative analysis of shorter and longer Deep Dive survey

The psychologist's comparative analysis revealed that both the shorter and longer survey versions demonstrated high levels of reliability and consistency across the 12 dimensions. Furthermore, the correlation between the results of the original survey and the shorter version indicated strong alignment, suggesting that both versions yielded comparable outcomes.


In conclusion, both the longer and shorter versions of the employee engagement and satisfaction survey offer distinct advantages. The shorter version excels in efficiency, focus, and accessibility, while the longer version provides comprehensive, in-depth insights and strategic planning capabilities. The scientific validation and comparative analysis demonstrate that both versions yield reliable and comparable results, reaffirming their utility in gauging employee sentiments. Furthermore, the insights gleaned from the deep dive into the survey data suggest avenues for potential refinement and enhancement of the survey instrument, paving the way for continued improvement in capturing and utilizing employee feedback.

While we recommend the longer version, both the longer and shorter versions have been validated by expert psychologists.

If you are conducting an employee engagement and satisfaction survey for the first time, opting for the longer version is advisable, considering it provides a more comprehensive understanding of your organization. However, recognizing that you understand your employees and company culture best, if you anticipate a low response rate with the longer version, carefully weigh all factors concerning your workforce before making a decision.

By doing so, you can tailor your survey administration approach, ensuring a meaningful balance between depth and participation, ultimately fostering positive change in employee engagement and satisfaction.

By leveraging these insights, organizations can tailor their approach to survey administration based on their specific needs, ensuring meaningful and actionable results that drive positive change in employee engagement and satisfaction.

Still uncertain about the best fit for your organization? Contact our specialists for personalized guidance and insights tailored to enhance your workplace.

Let's work together to make positive changes in employee engagement and satisfaction.

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