
The importance of control system in employee engagement and satisfaction surveys


Employee engagement surveys rely on control system to ensure data accuracy. This system  assesses respondent attentiveness and filter out unreliable data, revealing insights crucial for organizational decisions. Luppa uses control system to eliminate unreliable responses, showing that even a small percentage of failed responses can significantly alter survey outcomes, highlighting the importance of data quality in HR decision-making.


Employee engagement and satisfaction surveys are essential tools for understanding how employees feel about their work and their workplace. But to get the most accurate results from these surveys, we need to think about the data quality as well.

That's where a good control system with smart control questions comes in. While regular survey questions give us a good starting point, control questions are like quality checks. They help make sure that the collected data is reliable and trustworthy.

Let’s explore together what a control system is and its importance in employee engagement and satisfaction surveys. 

What is control system?

The control system is a set of measures or techniques designed to ensure respondent attentiveness, validate responses, and maintain data integrity. In essence, control systems act as quality control measures, helping HR professionals filter out unreliable data and ensure that the insights gathered are meaningful and actionable.

To fulfill these criteria, surveys frequently incorporate a set of questions that serve as a control system.

Here are some common types of control questions:

Attention checks

These checks assess whether respondents are paying attention to the survey instructions and questions. They often ask respondents to select a specific option or identify certain information to confirm their engagement with the survey.

Validity checks

These questions verify the accuracy of respondents' answers by asking about factual information or confirming eligibility criteria. For example, a survey about consumer habits might include a control question asking if the respondent has purchased a specific product in the past.

Filtering questions

Control questions can also be used to filter out respondents who do not meet specific criteria or eligibility requirements for the survey. These questions help ensure that the data collected are relevant and appropriate for analysis.

Control questions in employee satisfaction and engagement surveys

When it comes to employee satisfaction and engagement surveys, the control system fulfils two critical functions: identifying respondent reliability and ensuring data quality.

Identifying respondent reliability

In any survey, ensuring that respondents are providing reliable and honest answers is paramount. By strategically inserting these questions throughout the survey, researchers can discern between respondents who are genuinely engaged in the process and those who may be providing careless or dishonest responses.

Careless or dishonest responses are particularly problematic when it comes to employee satisfaction and engagement surveys. Organizations rely on these surveys to gain insights into employee sentiments, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategic decisions.

Ensuring data quality

Data quality is the cornerstone of effective decision-making. In the context of employee satisfaction and engagement surveys, ensuring the quality of survey data is imperative for deriving actionable insights and driving meaningful change within an organization.

Luppa's control system

Luppa uses control questions to ensure respondent reliability and overall data quality when it comes to analytics.

Control questions are used only in “Deep Dive” survey, and are used in several places throughout the survey. If the respondent “fails” any of the control questions they get eliminated from the survey results to ensure that the final results are truthful.

Our data shows that on average 12% of employees don’t pass control questions.  You might be wondering, 12% is not that much, how different the results would be? 

Without control system

If we take into account answers from employees who didn’t pass the control system, two dimensions on which “Example company” should work are Collaboration and Communication dimensions. 

Based on these results “Example company” HR department would start making action plans that would focus on Collaboration and Communication dimensions, however…

With control system

When we take out the results from employees who didn’t pass the control system the situation is completely different. 

“Example Company” HR department should focus on improving Work organization and Work-life balance. 

As you can see, 12% makes all the difference.

Because the control system is a part of Luppa's “Deep Dive” survey, “Example Company” HR professionals saved many hours trying to fix problems in dimensions where there are no major problems and focused their time and efforts on dimensions where problems exist. 

When using Luppa for their employee satisfaction and engagement surveys, the HR professionals can be 100% sure that they will have the right type of data, AND data quality. 


By identifying respondent reliability and ensuring data quality, the control system empowers organizations to make informed decisions based on the data from employee satisfaction and engagement surveys. At Luppa, we recognize the critical role of the control system in increasing the quality of survey analytics.

As you can see from the data we provided, even a relatively small average of employees who don’t pass control system questions can dramatically change your view of the data.

Continue reading our blogs in order to learn more about employee engagement and concrete tools that provide you with help in employee retention.